27 January 2010
Visit Pregosaur!
22 January 2010
Positive opk & other babble
If I get a temp spike tomorrow, I'll attack him again for certain, otherwise, I'm playing by ear & opk. Which oughta be fun since I'm taking AZO for a urinary tract tickle, does that mean I'll have orange lines with a yellow BG??? LOL! Whatever works, huh?
I've been searching photobucket for TTC blinkies. I'm not sure if I should do TTC#3 or TTC#5. I count my angels as my children, even though they never were held in my arms, and I never kissed their sweet lips. I think I'll make a TTC#3 with 2 angels blinkie. Someone eosle out there is bound to want it out on photobucket.. as sad as that seems.
The forum has been EXPLODING with BFP's lately! Newbies that have been there for just a few days... and old friends who have been there just as long as, many longer than, me. It warms my heart to see them bouncing over to a due date club. I hope they save some baby dust for Tiff, Tara, Kelly, Amanda, Angela, Alishya (I know I just spelled that wrong...) & I. We're hoping to start February off the right way with a BFP wave of our own... then Amy & Susan can follow... I know there's more. It's 1 am and I can't think LOL!
Vanessa is doing great, though fighting the nauseated blahs of early pregnancy. I think the woman is living on saltines & brownies. Whatever makes the baby happy :) I can't wait till next week for her u/s. The doc insists (by lmp) that she will be 10 weeks, but we know she'll be about 8.5 weeks.. however they count it we'll have _______ pics!!! Yes, that is blank on purpose. Baby Pavlat does not have a nickname yet, LOL!
On another fine note, Vanessa has decided that I shall be the honorary twin mommy of her DDC. Wouldn't that be just a friggin shock?!?!? Tiffany has decided that it will be fraternal twins, and tonight Ashley decided that this was all a fine idea... looks like I'm destined, huh? As long as get in the DDC with them I'll be ecstatic.
Until next time...
19 January 2010
is all I am getting on an OPK.. last month it was positive on CD13..
I have never ovulated past CD15 so this oughta be interesting.. I juat have to remember to go by DPO (once I O ) and not by CD because I don;t want to be "Insane POAS Woman" later in the month.. LOL!!
17 January 2010
Waiting to O
Meanwhile waiting, we're having fun with it. No details but ! After almost EIGHT YEARS he an still make me say that.. ain't it great?!!?
15 January 2010
That would be really cool to have a October 14th due date for Halie, even though there is a big chance that I won't carry a full 40 weeks. Maybe Ovulating late won't be so bad... Then I'd have a better chance of delivering on her birthday.... providing we catch the eggie this month...
At any rate, I did an OPK and there is a line, but it is super faint. I was thinkingthere might be more with the heaviness & twinging, but so far it's right on par with a "normal" cycle.
Started VT this month, and I like my temps so much better. they are less erratic, so I am sure I'll have a clear thermal shift at O time.. SOLID RED CH here I come!!
Until I decide what I want this blog to look like you get white... that's it.. rather abusive & glaring isn't it?? Not much to look at and absolutely useless to the life of this blog. That's how I feel the first half of my cycle... useless.
08 January 2010
07 January 2010
We'll she arrived...
I was pretty sure she would so no major frustrations today other than the PAIN!! Pamprin here I come!
Talked with "the gals" and I have a plan of action this month mainly just remembering to take my supplements and attacking DH whenever I can...
Halie mentioned the other day that she'd this it was "SO COOL" to have a baby brother on her birthday... this is the cycle to make that happen for her.. HERE WE GO!!
06 January 2010
So last night, I took my OPK's out of my chart to see if FF would straighten up... didn't make a difference, it still said O on CD12 based on temps... Dotted CH
This morning I put my temp in (which was so low I didn't bother testing btw) and I get this:
When I put my opk's in it still goes back to CD12 O.. which still makes no friggin sense with a cd13 +opk... the ones before that were PLAINLY negative.. little to no line..
Any suggestions on how to effectively throw a temper tantrum at this point?
02 January 2010
Fertility Friend giveth and Fertility Friend.. CAN'T MAKE UP IT'S FRIGGIN MIND!!!!
I am so frustrated. I accidentally put my temp in as 97.4 and it moved my CH back to CD12 & dotted. I threw a fit then realized that my temp was input wrong. So I upped by the .1 degree to 97.5 and it moved back to CD15.. but with dotted CH....
I feel like my chart checked out and insanity checked in?? wTH is up with my chart?? I've never had this many issues in 36 cycles I've charted!!!
beginning to wonder if I even O'd..