CD13/Dec23/9:30pm- OPK is POSITIVE guess there's gonna be some
pic of opk
CD15/Dec25/ - Haven't tested yet- update bding since Tuesday... IF I do get pregnant this cycle it truly will be a Christmas miracle temp was 96.5 today.. the room was cool and some male had my blanket.. so I'm probably going to wind up discarding it so I don't confuse FF with my O.. we'll see in a couple of days.
FF BD Report-
CD9, 12, 15... Fertility friend gives me a "good" rating on my free week of VIP based on CD12 O which I don't agree with... I'm not feeling like we caught it with life's uncooperativeness.. We'll see.
IC Testing Projection (all DPO based on FF):
- Friday, Jan 1 at 10 DPO... not much hope but it is New Years.. so I HAVE to...
- Tuesday, Jan 5 at 14 DPO when FF says AF is due.
- Thursday, January 7 at 16 DPO if AF is a no show..
Projected EDD with FF CD12 O: Wed, Sept 15
Projected DPO with probable CD15 (CHRISTMAS) O: Sat, Sept 18 (our 5th anniversary)
I'm over analyzing LOL.. probably because I'm trying to see a possible pregnancy when I just don't feel it..
Not going into poas overdrive this month because I'm not feeling it.