CD13/Dec23/9:30pm- OPK is POSITIVE guess there's gonna be some going on .. sometime.. probably tomorrow night... he's exhausted and falling asleep and the girls are still wide awake...
pic of opk
CD15/Dec25/ - Haven't tested yet- update bding since Tuesday... IF I do get pregnant this cycle it truly will be a Christmas miracle temp was 96.5 today.. the room was cool and some male had my blanket.. so I'm probably going to wind up discarding it so I don't confuse FF with my O.. we'll see in a couple of days.
FF BD Report-
CD9, 12, 15... Fertility friend gives me a "good" rating on my free week of VIP based on CD12 O which I don't agree with... I'm not feeling like we caught it with life's uncooperativeness.. We'll see.
IC Testing Projection (all DPO based on FF):
- Friday, Jan 1 at 10 DPO... not much hope but it is New Years.. so I HAVE to...
- Tuesday, Jan 5 at 14 DPO when FF says AF is due.
- Thursday, January 7 at 16 DPO if AF is a no show..
Projected EDD with FF CD12 O: Wed, Sept 15
Projected DPO with probable CD15 (CHRISTMAS) O: Sat, Sept 18 (our 5th anniversary)
I'm over analyzing LOL.. probably because I'm trying to see a possible pregnancy when I just don't feel it..
Not going into poas overdrive this month because I'm not feeling it.