
30 November 2009

Beginning the 2ww #1

I had a wonderful relaxing several days visiting family & friends for Thanksgiving. I let the TTC slip to 2 really good friends who are rooting for us now. I feel really blessed to know them, and have someone to talk to about this.

I've also vented for 2 weeks about the "waiting to ovulate" issues that I had or imagined :) to the TMP gals and I'd really be lost without them. It's nice to have friends going through this as well. I feel like people going through the TTC nightmare understand. It is so easy to communicate with them.

So I think I ovulated on CD 13 this month, because I was having some serious ovary pain ALL day. That would put me at just a few dpo (days past ovulation). I am already dying to test but we know that that is just not possible. Well, it's possible, but would be useless so far. I will be 11dpo on George's birthday. Now as unlikely as it is that I will get this first shot, I think that would be a great birthday present :)

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