
10 February 2010

What is What-a-burger Wednesday?

Wednesday is burger night. I have class Wednesday night so dinner has to be filling, fast, and easy to clean up. What can be better than burger? Now that's not to say that we're going to eat a burger every Wednesday, but there will be burger IN the recipe for Wednesdays.

Tonight? Crock Pot Red Beans & Rice. These have to be started the night before so the house already smells great!!

Crock-Pot Red Beans
(start this the night before for the perfect pot!)

  • 1 lb Camilla's Red Kidney Beans (I just LIKE these better)
  • 1/2 tablespoon Salt ( I know it sounds like a lot, trust me)
  • 1 lb lean ground burger (turkey or beef)
  • 1 cup frozen Seasoning Blend
  • 1 lb lean sausage (try"Healthy Choices" turkey), sliced in 1/2 moons
  • Seasonings (Tony's, pepper, salt, garlic powder) to taste
  • Lots of water
  1. On the stove brown ground burger and seasoning blend until meat is cooked through and crumbly.
  2. In crock-pot add beans, salt, and all meat & seasoning blend.
  3. Add enough water to generously cover by at least 2-3 inches.
  4. Cook on low setting for 10 hours (overnight)
  5. After it returns to warm (in the morning), re-add enough water to cover by 1 inch.
  6. Taste for seasoning. You'll probably find that with the large amount of water and ingredients that the salt is a faint background taste. Add your favorite seasonings as necessary.
  7. Cook on high for 4-6 hours to ensure flavors blend and beans are tender.
Serve over rice :)


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