
16 November 2010

Friendship & miracles

I know this is MY blog but I have to drag friends into it today because it HAS TO mean something!!!!

I got positive OPKs Saturday & Sunday and a .3 temp spike today....

My TTC bestie got put on Metformin, got her first positive opk Sunday, first ever peak/eggie on her CBEFM Saturday, and a .3 temp spike today. Which I swear means her first EVER ovulation!!!!

Two other wonderful TTC friends got positive OPKs Sunday, and one uses CBEFM and got peak yesterday and today...

We're sharing all these positive lines now... and although I don;t usually get my hopes up, I hope that this means a mass exodus from TTC very soon!!!



Angela said...

Let's all skip off to DDCland together!

Tillie said...

That's a lot of BD'ing lol :)

Yay for all the cycle buddies...I hope everyone gets a BFP!!!

Amanda said...

I'm so excited for you girls!! I love all the positive energy...and if these aren't signs I don't know what is!! <3 ya!

dragondreamer said...

Yeah, Tillie we've made the comment about it being odd knowing we're all doing the same thing! LOL! Now I'm going check in on you!!

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