Girls Ages 4 & up
- Easy Bake Oven & accessories, including kiddy size hot mitts & aprons ($28 + accessories at Walmart)
- Poseable doll & horse ($40 at Sam's Club)
- Disney Baby Cinderella Princess Nursery ($24 at Sam's Club)
- 4ft Tall doll house with basic furniture ($99 Sam's Club)
- Dress up Box, 3 outfits with accessories, Sizes 3-6 ($34 at Sam's Club)
- Nook w/ Wi-fi Capablities ($149 at Barnes & Noble)
- DSi ($189 Game stop)
- BOOKS!!! (Any denomination gift cards for your closest book store!)
- Clothes (Let them pick! Giftcards for Gap, Old Navy, Justice and more!)
Mom & Dad
- Nook w/ Wi-fi Capablities ($149 at Barnes & Noble) Can you tell I want this thing in my house somehow???) LOL!
- Massage/Spa Packages (Check locally for Holiday Specials)
Best Friends:
- STARBUCKS!!! (My BFF added to my SB card.. she rocks!!!!!!)
- Handmade jewelry/accessories (Check Etsy! Most sellers will ship directly to the recipient, just convo them!!)
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