For a little back story to the new comers....
I have been trying to add my little caboose (last baby) to this family since April 2007! April 2008 I got pregnant only to lose that baby to the most uncommon ectopic pregnancy (at the joining of the tube & uterus...), and I also lost that right tube. We were told to not TTC again as it was too dangerous. A year later I got a 2nd opinion that said we could. October 2009 we started TTC for our 5th and final time.. and now here I am. Cycle 17 TTC #3.. again.
Now, with business trips, an injured back (his), and a late ovulation, and one whole intimate night in my fertile window, I was not surprised to not catch the eggie this month.. but it would have been nice, yeah? Bah.
Anyway, an amazingly blessed friend of mine who was told they'd never conceive because DH had NO sperm count , that even IVF wasn't an option.. who is 18 wks and expecting their baby boy!!!! is sending me her holistic medicine arsenal and Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor (forever hereafter called CBEFM).
Why not.. it's a few things I haven't tried yet! I have to get back on my diet hard core and get my body healthy, and I have to start my fertility massages. (Get your head out the gutter it's an abdominal massage!)
Something has to give. I graduate in just over a year and go to work... and stop TTC forever. Come on girly bits!! Wake up!
You can do it! C'mon ovaries! We have seen so many success stories, like Tiff and Amy. I'm so excited Tiff is sending you her goodies!! :hug:
You're in my thoughts every day and I just know that your miracle is coming soon! I'm happy you got some lucky charm TTC goodies passed down to you. :bighugs:
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