
06 July 2011

Caylee's Law Petition

Let's help make a "Caylee's Law"!

Please to go and sign the petition to create "Caylee's Law"!! There should be a new law created that will make it a felony for a parent or guardian to not report a missing child in a timely manner!

I did yesterday, and my NC Senator Ellie Kinnaird, wrote back to me this morning.

Dear Anne,

Thank you for your email.

We are all distressed over the death of a young person especially under such terrible circumstances.

We are fortunate that in North Carolina, this could not happen because of a law that addresses this question. G.S. 14-401.22 provides that " Any person who, with the intent to conceal the death of a person, fails to notify a law enforcement authority of the death or secretly buries or otherwise secretly disposes of a dead human body is guilty of a Class I felony." It also provides a Class A1 misdemeanor for aiding and abetting concealing a death.

This statute applies to any person, not just parents.

Senator Ellie Kinnaird

I have written back to her and asked if there is a way, as a state, that we can get this passed into law as a federal statute. I firmly believe that even if Casey did not murder Caylee, she and her parents were WRONG in tryingt to "cover up" what could have simply been a tragic accident. We'll never really know, but children drown in the pool all the time unfortunately. It is not a crime when an accident takes place, but in my opinion, leaving your child to rot IS.

Please sign the petition by clicking on Caylee's picture in my side bar. Once you fill in your eSignature, a letter will be sent on your behalf to your respective state's Senators and Representatives.

Be the change you want to see in the world...


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