First up I'll start with my "Things to do this week" list. This is one I'll laminate and hang where everyone can see it. Dry erase markers work great on page protectors or laminate, so it makes this reuseable!
OK so in a page protector propped by the glow of the laptop screen isn't a GREAT pic...
but you get the idea LOL! |
When you download the PDF it comes with my attached "Use Ideas" page. to show you how I use it. When printing, if you don't want the "uses" page printed just be sure to set it print page 1 only.
If you're the kind who needs a more goal oriented to-do page try my "week at a glance" PDF. with spots for dailies, notes, goals, projects, and more.
I kinda like them both, so I may do one to hang and one for my HJ....
So far on our Home Journal we have covered:
Weekly To-Do List
Stay tuned for:Dear BabysitterImportant NumbersPerpetual Cleaning Schedule (Editable in MS Office) 15 Minute Quick CleansPrintable Chore Charts (Editable in MS Office)
...and more!
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