
05 May 2012

Home Journal: Dear Babysitter

Hello, All! Today I'll share my "Dear Babysitter" sheet. I got a lot of these ideas from Tip Junkie's Executive Home Maker Binder but this idea is one I have played with since Halie started babysitting. Since I'll have other teens in my home babysitting over the summer while Halie visits her dad, I thought a clean cut sheet woudl be better. Halie loves it, go figure!!

Here's a screen shot of mine until I can get you a picture:

I created a pink and a darker neutral with fill in the blank options, including a space to put your 9-1-1 address for emergencies. If you are interested in printing your own click to


This is one that will be laminated so that I can put in a visible place while the babysitter is there... still working on a cute display option! These also work well in a page protector. Dry erase still wipes right off!

So far on our Home Journal we have covered:
Weekly To-Do List
Dear Babysitter

Stay tuned for:
Important Numbers
Perpetual Cleaning Schedule (Editable in MS Office) 
15 Minute Quick Cleans
Printable Chore Charts (Editable in MS Office) 
...and more!



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