
12 May 2012

Home Journal: Food Journal

The Home Journal isn't just for household chores and the like. FlyLady calls it a "Control Journal" so that you can take control of your life. This is one of those additions that goes towards that.

If you've followed DA a while you might remember these diet & exercise journal printables I made a while back. When I was following a strict wheat free diet and needed to track everything for fertility purposes it was my best option. 

With my NEW Home Journal I wanted to add more pizzaz & color, so I made...... this one:

Pretty, ain't it? :)  

My new journal will stay on the window/bar between the living room & kitchen since my chair will sit near it. I will leave it open and I can flip through it as needed, so I will probably put this in a page protector and track it daily. 

The goal with any diet & fitness program is to meet your goals DAILY, and if you mess up, tomorrow is a new day. Erase today & do better tomorrow


So far on our Home Journal we have covered:
Weekly To-Do List
Dear Babysitter
Important Numbers
Perpetual Cleaning Schedule (Editable in MS Office) 
Food Journal (it was an unplanned "...ane more!")

Stay tuned for:
15 Minute Quick Cleans
Printable Chore Charts (Editable in MS Office)
...and more! 


PS: Just a reminder to my printables followers!, Nitro PDF allows you to type text into ANY pdf, save, and/or print it, or even create your own. Best of all... It's FREE!!! Check it out HERE. I'm not an affiliate, so I get nothing for sending you to it. I just love it and think you will too!


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