
01 May 2012

Tip Me Tuesday: Re-Purposing Tees to Bags!

Today I'm gonna hang out at
Tip Junkie handmade projects 
with some re-purposed tees the girls and I made into reuseable bags!

Our easy instructions (step by step pics soon!):
  1. Snip the collar & sleeves off.
  2. Trim a loop off the sleeve & stretch it out to make a lacing.
  3. Snip holes in the bottom band,
  4. Thread "lacing" through & tie off.

Kae used a tank so there was no need to cut her collar off, but Halie and I liked the slouchiness (is that a word???) of the looser handles from the sleeves & collar being snipped. It was great way to save some of their favorite shirts that didn't fit but I couldn't convince them to give away. I'm thinking about making a whole stash of them (all those tees with worn edges or small stains?) for my Aldi shopping trips!

We got this idea from the Dollar Store Crafts Blog!
For full instructions go to:
Three Awesome Teen Girl Craft Night Ideas



MJ said...

I love this idea! Thanks for sharing.

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