
20 November 2009

First Thing Friday


Type the first thing that comes to mind:

  1. milk
  2. pop
  3. test
  4. fish
  5. pencil
  6. year
  7. tug
  8. boat
  9. crop
  10. hit
  11. mom
  12. hug
  13. yolk
  14. drink
  15. food
  16. water
  17. plate
  18. plane
  19. terrorist
  20. purple
  21. fork
  22. mouse
  23. hippo
  24. bubble
  25. store
  26. air
  27. love
  28. pickle
  29. AIM
  30. friend
  31. hurricane
  32. tornado
Scroll down for my answers after you post :)











  1. milk STRAWBERRY
  2. pop SODA
  3. test SCHOOL
  4. fish TROUT
  5. pencil YELLOW
  6. year 2005
  7. tug WAR
  8. boat ZOOM
  9. crop FARM
  10. hit POW
  11. mom DAD
  12. hug *smile*
  13. yolk EGG
  14. drink WET
  15. food PIZZA
  16. water DRINK
  17. plate FOOD
  18. plane AIR
  19. terrorist PLANE
  20. purple HEART
  21. fork SPOON
  22. mouse GRAY
  23. hippo POTTAMUS? *yes, that was the first thing that came to mine LOL!*
  24. bubble POP
  25. store SHOP
  26. air BREATHE
  27. love GEORGE *hubby
  28. pickle TART
  29. AIM AOL
  30. friend BRANDY
  31. hurricane RUM
  32. tornado RUN


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